
Tesla Company letterhead. Note the words "World Wireless Telephone Transmitter.
Tesla Company letterhead. Note the words "World Wireless Telephone Transmitter.


Welcome to the Teslaresearch website.

This website is nonprofit and for educational purposes only. It has been created with the objective of gathering and organizing as much information as possible on Tesla's inventions and experiments, but also to compare his statements and predictions with the modern science and technology.


The contents are created progressively and some sections and categories are unfinished or just empty. The most basic contents available are probably still unfinished and the most technical contents are also under construction but will not be available until they are ready.


It wouldn't have been possible to create most part of the contents without the permission of some of the most important websites about Nikola Tesla.


Feel free to offer any information or to colaborate with the contents but also to ask about any precise information.


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Comments: 39
  • #1

    Steve (Saturday, 06 December 2014 22:43)

    Great job!

  • #2

    Topo (Tuesday, 08 December 2015 08:35)

    Thank you all for creating the great website!!!

  • #3

    Arminio (Monday, 21 March 2016 16:51)

    Genial. Esta página como todas las de su blog merecen la mayor alabanza. Siempre hay personas que dedican su esfuerzo a hacernos la vida más agradable a todos y, a compartir desinteresadamente su trabajo. Gracias desde España.

  • #4

    Albert Zappitelli (Sunday, 24 April 2016 15:39)

    Spectacular reference.
    Needs to be printed!

  • #5

    gadgetmall (Monday, 23 May 2016 16:23)

    Thank you for making this site .I have based a lot of my inventions using Tesla tech so it's nice to see a site dedicated to his research.

  • #6

    Andrei (Sunday, 05 March 2017 10:34)

    Thanks a loooot!!!

  • #7

    Arsalan (Wednesday, 08 March 2017 12:53)

    This website is amazing with one of the most extended information regarding Tesla's life journey. I appreciate this cause to help spread Tesla's existence in form of words and pictures.

  • #8

    ROCKY L. (Friday, 18 August 2017 23:48)

    Thank you for producing an easy navigable and comprehensive web-site; I am currently reading a book on Tesla, written by Margaret Chaney, and published in nineteen-eighty-one. I must say her research documentation is excellent, and compressive as your web-location. In one particular chapter, she quoted a statement from Lelend Anderson; I performed a web-search on Mr. Anderson, and that search led me here.

  • #9

    anomomous (Friday, 05 January 2018 16:43)

    This website helped me a lot on my project of the War of Currents

  • #10

    Татьяна (Wednesday, 17 January 2018 20:25)

    Спасибо за такой труд.

  • #11

    brian (Wednesday, 24 January 2018 17:28)

    People interested in the Tesla story are missing a huge RED flag. That is the confiscation by the police of his papers and the quickness with which this was done. Clearly Tesla was being watched. This type of act is only done to those who are considered very dangerous. It was the final chapter in the Tesla Einstein conflict.

  • #12

    M. Steiner (Tuesday, 15 May 2018 19:50)

    I hope that you will be able to complete this website, it’s the best I’ve seen. It not only offers clarity in Tesla’s work and patents but can be easily understood by anyone with an interest in this area. It is a great testimony to a great man.

    I have always been fascinated with link between electromagnetics / gravity and look forward to gaining further understanding of the principals and development of Tesla’s work.

  • #13

    BRad (Saturday, 01 September 2018 00:39)

    I seek knowledge of his research and want to understand electromagnetic energy and polarity.

  • #14

    Varun Moka (Tuesday, 15 January 2019 17:49)

    I have just started reading 'My inventions' and feel very lucky that i have come across this website. Looking forward to explore this with great excitement and curiosity.

  • #15

    dhinesh (Friday, 18 January 2019 18:21)

    I am requesting to put all work as a book and publish.

  • #16

    Keval lathiya (Wednesday, 04 September 2019 16:06)

    I'm grateful to creator of this website for giving this enormous data about our beloved physicist and the noblest man in history of mankind.

  • #17

    Ish (Wednesday, 16 October 2019 14:04)

    Good website.

  • #18

    Dr. Goulu (Monday, 21 October 2019 17:28)

    Does anyone know the source of this quote attributed to Tesla in 1933 about the cosmic/radiant/free energy ?

    I shall not announce the scientific principles of the discovery and describe the mechanical means I have devised for carrying it out, for the present. It is sufficient at this time to say that I have performed experiments and obtained results from which I am able to calculate what the mechanism may be expected to perform.

  • #19

    Tomar (Thursday, 24 October 2019 18:18)

    This website is very useful would definitely recommend to friends.

  • #20

    steve A (Saturday, 26 October 2019 01:27)

    Excellent resource, very useful indeed. Thank you very much, your work is much appreciated.

  • #21

    Cre8iveSkill (Saturday, 07 December 2019 08:23)

    This website is extraordinary with one of the maximum prolonged information concerning Tesla's life adventure. I appreciate this reason to help unfold Tesla's life in shape of words and photos.

  • #22

    Mike L (Sunday, 08 December 2019 08:58)

    The most comprehensive site dedicated to Tesla I have come across yet. Will definitely be sharing with friends.

  • #23

    Tanmay (Tuesday, 10 December 2019 20:35)

    Thankyou for creating this website!

  • #24

    Richard Domke (Saturday, 01 February 2020 18:09)

    I just now ventured across this website. By virtue of my recent discovery of the life endeavors of a man by the name of: Joseph Newman, through the video resources on YouTube, I have developed an interest and conviction about the "potential realities" of energy that I believe exist (unseen and largely undetected) within the realm of our Space-Time Continuum. My education and knowledge about such matters is meager, at best, but I do have a growing confidence, with regard for my Christian Faith, that God has created these things in such a manner as to magnify the concept of our shared identity with Him by virtue of our being "...created in His Image.
    I'm still at the level of trying to understand the physics and mechanical logistics of the 7.5 ton "Big Eureka" motor developed by Joseph Newman which he demonstrates running only by the "potential" energy contained within a bank of depleated "AA" batteries.
    Unfotunately, he's bucking an entrenched and powerful industry that we are currently enslaved to (relatively) that has capitalized upon the property of electrical "current" rather than "voltage potential" as the (controlling input) source of power. I would like to understand this better; I hope this website may lead to that end.
    Blessings to all.
    Richard D
    [email protected]

  • #25

    Jess (Monday, 06 July 2020 14:57)

    Great website you have here! Hope more people will understand the real significance of Tesla's genius discoveries and inventions and it will be widely used around the world. This is a real treasure trove. Thank you for your amazing research!

  • #26

    Dean (Wednesday, 05 August 2020 12:18)

    Would anyone know who gave the following information (Nikola Tesla himself?).
    • M = D/(1/4 lambda) where lambda = c/f = 4D/M and M is the odd multiple.
    • C = speed of light at 299,792 km/sec.
    • D = Earth diameter at 12,742 km.
    • M = odd multiple at 1
    • The resonant frequency is therefore given to be: f = M x C / 4D = 5.881965 (Yost)
    • The resonant frequency based upon round-trip time: f = 2(M x C / 4D) = 11.76393

  • #27

    Loha (Thursday, 15 October 2020 10:53)


  • #28

    Resad Indipa (Wednesday, 23 December 2020 03:07)

    Wow! The best website on Nikola Tesla please keep updating this website ! �

  • #29

    Tom Smith (Wednesday, 24 February 2021 20:13)

    Has anyone actually performed the amazing (claimed) radio reception using the earth as antenna? I'd like to hear about it.

  • #30

    BRYAN J GONZALEZNIEVES (Thursday, 15 July 2021 08:39)

    This websiteeeeee isss awesome, perfect. Whoever you are this is a masterpiece. Thank you!!!

  • #31

    Leon Kotzé (Tuesday, 17 August 2021 19:58)

    You're a gentleman and a scholar. Seriously - It takes a lot of time to put together the information you have. It does mean something. Thank you.

  • #32

    Jacob L (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 23:38)

    Thanks for making such a rad website this is really gonna help me

  • #33

    Alex alcaraz (Thursday, 21 April 2022 15:03)

    Your website is a great website, but I am unable to share cuz it does not have that option to do so

  • #34

    Jahan (Sunday, 28 August 2022 22:30)

    Awesome work! thank you very much!

  • #35

    Dave Hanrahan (Sunday, 09 July 2023)

    Tesla would have loved this. Wonderful tribute.

  • #36

    raul jose go (Wednesday, 17 July 2024 11:00)

    grateful to you people, who are doing research eagerly of our great Tesla.

  • #37

    Alfredo S (Tuesday, 01 October 2024 07:15)

    Muchas gracias por reunir esta información para la humanidad

  • #38

    Nipun (Saturday, 19 October 2024 17:30)

    This is finest website to study about great man lived.

  • #39

    Jim Whitted. (Thursday, 05 December 2024 04:05)

    Dean, it WAS Tesla that gave that info,
    subconscious says.