New York Times
July 9, 1891
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The New York Times july 9, 1891 WIRELESS ELECTRIC LAMPS mu 'rxsl.A's lxnnurlxrs wrm num rnuqunucr uxrznnnxoru. 'Ula elsdu-len! world ls _lust now 8X)AHg§¢|_n‘ nthrlllor dollkht hosnuso of the ramnrhyn, sxpcrlmsnu of Nlkoln Tosh. u young Amp* lluhrnrlsn, who hu mndo thls elty hls h6m| und who promlsen to hooome famous ln bln pm. fsulon. 'rue pthlelllir snhjnot upon “kg thls xsntlamnn hu so wonderfully pqrfm., hlnlseli ll hhst of nltarnntllng ourrsnls ol hx" fruquanuy. n suhluot ou whloh ho roosntlyu llrorod n loeturo st Columbus College botors tha Amsrlonn lnstltnto of Klsatrloal Englnssr; 'Wnlla than wus much in Hr. Tulds png* thnt nppllod to the moat occult hrnnahqqg them-etlonl olwtrlulty. tlxsra wn nlso mug that nppnslnd tn thu layman bscsnss or tha grant promlso lt (uve of future sommnrclll lm. purtnnec. Mr. Teal: ln now engngod ln pq. lmtlng an lmprovod system of ulaotrla hghtlng by Whlch from A given nmount of nluotrldl enern, a llght xnsny tlmus stronger than Aqy yet, pmduoctl may bs scoured without wtrds 0| plpns of any klual oounsutlng wlth thc llght ltnolt. when tram n stnllon lsmllngf to nm hulhllng lo be llgh wd will nlllho omploynd, um much of the rnnchlnery that ll now uma ln” onllnnry lncnnduscenvlllzhtlnpg plnnt will bg usod, but wlth tha dllfurenoe that the lnm »| mslv lm esrrlad nhout ln thu hand. that the vmllg an colllngn wlll nut he rlafncml by wlros gm plpns, null that tha ll ht wlll he very mum; strnnknr than thnt now fn usa. Tho nmlnmlr by whlch Mn Tesln Wu lorl to theso cvncluslonn nm obtalnsd from hls pnpur, which has )ust buen mmlu pnhllo, lils nttantlon was llrst drawn tn an ordlnllry lnzluotloll ooll from whlch npnrknhru dovulngml slmllnr tv those uvolvud from n utnllu Irlullunnl oleotrlc nnchlnn. Tm: unrrunu thnl. up\-rnus.\ thesn tolls worn nltornatlniz, with from l0U La 200 vl rxttlous a' nunomi n onlur to ohtnln grenug lnuruusud utleutn Mr. Tesla onxustruowl n mac lun whluh pruelucoul 20.000 nltornntluns put scoon<.L This expurlment resulted lu su~ urnl lutetostlng phnnoruenu. Ili nttnnhllm n wlro to uno ol’ the mrmlnals ol’ sun h uoll streams ol llght luned ln sll dlrnutlou-1, uhnwlng how lntnnne wns tho nnlaurs ol' thu fulucs nt work. Hn than plnooxl n llna Klntlnuut wlru ln l glass bulb and tho tremen- onn loruo or tho current not the plulnnm to wluululr nbont lu n vcrltnlnle wnu of lllumlhs- tlun. 'l‘ll\n Ind lu lhu cnnntrunllon 0 »\ pruollval form of llmnp, oonslnllnlr u! u ulnsn hull: frnm which th: ulr lnul huon cxhnuutod, and wllluh uulltnlnu n hnllon nf Muir? rolrnctory lnnwflll conlmutud wllh n wlro lun Inn: to the oultv-lun uf tha bulb. 'l‘hl» lnulp uluwcwl brightly. lt ns- tuhllslxod the llrnt polnt ar Mr. 'l`\-sln'|\ nxplerl- lnunuv hy dulng away wlth the two-wlm syumm now ln uw. Thls, hmvnvcr. hy no means sstlntled hlm_ “ The ww nl nlturnutlug rnrrenhs or verr llllh fmi|uouo5." he nays, '° lnhkss it 905011111 uv trnnstor yeluutronlntle or olootroluugnulls ln. duction Ull'0llK|l tho glam ol' n lump sulllplrnt ouch!! lo kcup n llluulunt It lnonndusoonce, nd no do nwny wlth tho londlmr-ln wlrms." ln other warun. hu cuntoxnplnwml tho crolmon of u lump without nxternnl cohnnutlunso! nuy sort,whlch, tllnood alywhcro ln nn npnrlrncnt, nhonld qlnvr hrlghtly. llo producun I. skutuh Hll0\Vlll|{\ll0 nmnnur In whlch lm |/royones lu cnrrfv out than n nyutuu: ln prnutlcc. 'l' luru ln Lb pr mary A uc- trle guns-tutor at tl&n oentml slntlon, wltln wire; lllibdlhll 0| the hulll lug or nrurtnmm. wlmru the llght ls dnnlred. At Lhln pu nt thuro ls pin(-all ln thu clroullt nn nppamtns nlmllnr ln prluclpln tu thh Luydnn{ur, onllorl ll oomlnunur. An lmlltut. un uoll close to lt eonvnrtn the cub rvnts of low potential onullug from, the muohlns to thnne or thu vcr! lnlgh poluntlnl nvqutrad ln tho nuw lnnthoml. ' ho room whlnh ln to be llght- oalmuulnlns two slleuls of motsl. which Inq he s\\l1vandnp~ fun tn walls. Tho electrlu lmpnlsus tlnrnwn nut my llm msfrtnlllo plutun llll thn mom wlth nn nloo- trlonl fotoo, Thu Iorco hl\v<>l|lu|4 mqmclhlly mun- lmnl. whun them ls uxpusuxl ln thu ruum urns- dllllh rnpnclnllysusouptlhln to ltn notlun, unch ss tulma oxhsunwd ul’ nlr. Wltll auch plates p »p~ nrly glsmul ln tho room “nn oxlnnuutod tune," snyn lr. Tolar " mni/ his onrrlocl ln thu ha-ull nnywhem hutwcen t \u nheots or placed Any- wnuro, svnn nt n cnrtnln dlsumco lroyontl tllum; lt rsnnlns nlwnys luullnnus."
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